Queen - Spread your wings

Hace casi 30 años, allá por el 26 de junio de 1979 salía a la luz el primer álbum grabado en directo por Queen: Live Killers.

Estaba dudando entre dos canciones de Queen, The show must go on que muchos conoceréis, y esta otra. Al final decidí esta... Por varios motivos: el primero, que aunque "el show continúe" posiblemente sea diferente porque alguno de vosotros no esté. El segundo motivo, es que esta canción que dejo es positiva, habla de un hombre al que su jefe le dice que no está haciendo bien su trabajo, y una tercera voz le sugiere que deje el bar en el que trabaja, que despliegue sus alas y vuele... vuele lejos, hasta donde pueda llegar.

Me parece una canción como todas las de Queen, intemporal, tiene 30 años y parece hecha ayer mismo. Me encanta. Espero que sirva para retomar con fuerza el blog y que todos "despleguemos nuestras alas, y volemos hasta donde nos lo propongamos"

Sammy was low
Just watching the show
Over and over again
Knew it was time
He'd made up his mind
To leave his dead life behind
His boss said to him
'Boy you'd better begin
To get those crazy notions right out of your head
Sammy who do you think that you are?
You should've been sweeping up the Emerald bar'

Spread your wings and fly away
Fly away far away
Spread your little wings and fly away
Fly away far away
Pull yourself together
'Cos you know you should do better
That's because you're a free man

He spends his evenings alone in his hotel room
Keeping his thoughts to himself he'd be leaving soon
Wishing he was miles and miles away
Nothing in this world nothing would make him stay

Since he was small
Had no luck at all
Nothing came easy to him
Now it was time
He'd made up his mind
'This could be my last chance'

His boss said to him 'now listen boy
You're always dreaming
You've got no real ambition you won't get very far
Sammy boy don't you know who you are?
Why can't you be happy at the Emerald bar?'

So honey
Spread your wings and fly away
Fly away far away
Spread your little wings and fly away
Fly away far away
Pull yourself together
'Cos you know you should do better
That's because you're a free man
Come on honey.

3 comentarios:

Alex dijo...

Preciosa canción :) me ha gustado muchísimo, no la conocía la verdad, y ya la he escuchado 4 veces.

Iván dijo...

"Juapo juapo non era, pero tiña un pelaso!!!"

En fin, a volar, a volar alto, y Don´t Stop Me Now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58CJih1iYC0

Marta dijo...

está genial!!!
Queen es impresionante!!
Muy buena;)

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